The EUPP postprocessing benchmark dataset documentation

This website document the EUMETNET postprocessing benchmark datasets, an initiative to provide high-quality datasets to derive easily analysis-ready datasets that can be used to perform benchmarking tasks of weather forecast postprocessing methods.

The main tool to download and manage the data is a Python plugin. It can however convert the data to formats that can then be processed by other languages, and a few line of Python codes suffice to obtain the datasets.


  • Climetlab plugin version: 0.2.5

  • EUPPBench dataset version: v1.0

  • Base dataset version: v1.0

  • Dataset status: Datasets status

Using climetlab to access the data

A plugin for climetlab to retrieve the Eumetnet postprocessing benchmark datasets is available.

PyPI version PyPI pyversions build

It facilitates the download of the dataset time-aligned forecasts, reforecasts (hindcasts) and observations (ERA5 reanalysis).

See the demo notebooks Binder

The climetlab python plugin allows users to easily access the data with a few lines of code such as:

# Uncomment the line below if climetlab and the plugin are not yet installed
#!pip install climetlab climetlab-eumetnet-postprocessing-benchmark
import climetlab as cml
ds = cml.load_dataset('eumetnet-postprocessing-benchmark-training-data-gridded-forecasts-surface', "2017-12-02", "2t", "highres")
fcs = ds.to_xarray()

which for instance download the deterministic (high-resolution) forecasts for the 2 metres temperature.

Indices and tables