EUPP Benchmark first phase
The first phase of the EUPP Benchmark took place during the first phase of the EUMETNET PP Module, with many National Meteorological Services and academics participating. It was centered around 2 main tasks:
- Creating a common dataset to compare postprocessing methods
- Using this dataset to perform a first simple benchmark with the module's participants
Along the benchmark, the module also had to organize workshops. A first workshop was held in 2019 at the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium in Brussels, and on this occasion the requirements for the dataset were defined.

The flip board at the PP Module first workshop in 2019.
These requirements were refined over several sessions during the next year and the base dataset was then constituted. After some tests, the need for a more user friendly subset of this dataset became evident and the Zarr format was selected, leading to the creation of the EUPPBench dataset was started. Subsequently, the need to advertise and publish this dataset led naturally to the realization of a first benchmark, published in Earth System Science Data (ESSD) (see here).

This publication concluded the first phase of the benchmark.